Have you been through something difficult?
- The death of a loved one?
- A divorce?
- A difficult break-up?
- Financial distress?
- A career or business set-back?
- A blow to your confidence?
During a 5-year period, I lost a multi-six-figure revenue stream, 2 marriages, two homes, and my mother. I know how overwhelming loss can be. And when it starts to compound, it's hard to release so you can move forward free and unencumbered by it. Today, I'm happily married to the man of my dreams, living my dream. Life can turn around in a heartbeat if you allow it to!
If you want to create the life you desire, you HAVE to let the past go! There's no room for your dreams when the past is holding your thoughts, energy and emotions hostage.
Severe losses can be difficult to overcome and even after you feel like you're yourself again, the scars often don't fade on their own.
One of the greatest tools in my journey has been energy work. Energy work is a non-invasive method that helps release past trauma, limiting beliefs, old hurts, and even generational patterns without the need for a lot of talk therapy. It's intention (aka faith) based. It helps you get down to the root of what's happening and why you're repeating patterns in your life. You address the root and remove it.
During the simultaneous loss of my mom and my marriage, I was blessed to learn about the concept of divine balance. This understanding in combination with energy work has expedited my healing journey -- that and a lot of heavenly help!
If you'd like to release past hurt, trauma, limiting beliefs and old relationships so you're free to move forward unencumbered by the past, consider my 3-session,
Start Over Here Package
In the first two sessions we'll work on releasing the past and anything holding you back in the present. In the 3rd session we'll clear a path for the future desire and connect you to it.
Book a Free Consult to See If This Is a Fit For You:
Ready to Get Started?
Only $297 for Three 50-minute Sessions

One 50-minute Session

What’s the difference between Energy Therapy and Talk Therapy?
Generally in "talk" therapy there is a lot of going over the same issues, which can take lots of time and many sessions. When working with energy, you don't have to relive every detail of a past trauma in order to release it from your system. Your inner wisdom already knows all the details; we just need to find the emotion(s) held with that memory. Through certain techniques, those emotions (anger, fear, betrayal, etc.) are released from the body AND the energy field. This doesn't erase the memory of the incident, but releases the emotional potency of it, so it is no longer a barrier in your life. Energy Therapy gets to the root of the problem on an energetic and emotional level effectively and efficiently.
I am a Certified SimplyHealed PractitionerTM and am trained in this form of energy therapy, which I also refers to as belief-shifting work.
Learn more about the science of energy work here.