Seeds of love, happiness and hope

The Seeds to Love, Hope & Happiness

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Who wants more love, hope, happiness, and confidence in their lives? If you do, I’m about to give you the secret. No charge, no catch. The only investment necessary is that you make the choice to follow the advice…. Which may seem counterintuitive at this point in your life.

It’s human nature for those who are miserable to bring misery to others. Those who feel bad or critical about themselves, tend to criticize and drag others down. Those who are afraid spread fear. Those who are hopeless drip their hopelessness on others. But what if you don’t want to be miserable, self-loathing, fearful or hopeless anymore? What if you want to be happy and filled with faith, love, and hope?

First, spend time putting things that are happy, loving, faith-lifting and hopeful into your mind. Spend time with people who are uplifting. Go places where God can be found. Read, watch, and listen to information from people and sources that have faith, love, hope and happiness. The old tech axiom, “Garbage in, Garbage out” is true. And so is “Good in, Good out.” You need new input if you want new results. Stewing in your own juices or putting the world’s tripe into your mind is never going to take you to a better place. That’s what got you where you are.

Which brings me to the second piece of advice which is more counterintuitive than the first. If you want more hope, give others hope. If you want more love, give others love. If you want more happiness, spread happiness. If you want to feel better about yourself, help other people feel better about themselves. Build others up!

It’s all about planting seeds. You don’t plant nettles and get watermelon. Whatever seeds you plant in life, you will harvest in time. So put good things into your mind and heart, and then turn around and share those things with others as quickly as you can. Plant as much good as you can, and by law you HAVE TO RECEIVE GOOD in return.

Give it time. Every seed has a gestation period. Keep planting and keep moving your feet in this direction. Exercise a particle of faith … even it’s just a desire to believe. I promise you, you will reap good fruit when you plant good seeds. Just like when you start a new job and don’t get paid for two weeks or a month after you start working, you have to put some effort up front. The rewards are as real and as inevitable as any employer’s paycheck.

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Posted in A New Life, Divine Compensation.

Marnie Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. Get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.