Griffey, a Texas Blue Heeler, showed up at our house the wet, chilly evening of September 23rd. We assumed he stopped for the night and would move on to wherever he came from. By the next evening he was still around for another rainy night. He was skittish and leery of us. I won him over with bacon bits. We sat on the front porch and took turns drying him with a towel until he settled down on the bed we made for him.

The next morning, I was sitting in the yard enjoying a gorgeous day, and Griffey came to sit by me. I’d rub his neck, and he’d close his eyes as if he were experiencing pure bliss. I made a conscious decision that day to open my heart to this dog. I didn’t know if his owner would show up and take him home. But people come to our property all the time and stay a spell. We’ve always felt anyone who comes here is led here by God. They come for healing and someone to believe in them. Griffey felt no different.
I realized that I love the people who come here and send them on their way without difficulty in parting. So I decided to think of Griffey like I would a person – with his own volition to come and go as he pleased. He was welcome to stay as long as he needed us, and I’d love him while he was here. I decided at that moment I didn’t “own” Griffey and never would. He is an independent being, and on some level I felt like he is my equal … like any person would be. I also had the distinct impression he wouldn’t be here long and that I needed to be able to let him go when the time came.

Griffey had an intelligence about him and a great capacity to love. I could feel it emanating from him … like I would a person. I also could tell he had a lot of emotional stuff to work through. Not everyone had treated him kindly and it showed. This meant I gave him extra TLC and even did some energy clearing for him, which seemed to make a big difference in the way he acted.
Griffey loved the thrill of the chase … whether it was with the other dogs or cars. He even gave cattle herding a try when the neighbor’s cows got over on our field.
Over the next weeks, we became buddies, and he became protective of me if other dogs were around. Griffey made me feel safe.
Then, one day, his owner called. This was the moment I felt like God had prepared me for – the day I’d say goodbye to Griffey and let him go home. Much to my surprise, once the man arrived at our house, he decided we had the perfect spot for Griffey. He’d been chasing cars and hassling the neighbors and they’d had complaints about him. We agreed to keep Griffey and give him a good home.

I’ve been working on a project a lot this week and have spent a bit more time indoors. I’d walk out the front door for a break every now and then. Griffey gave me an extra special greeting – his paws would go up on my thighs. I’d give him a neck rub and he was happy as a clam.
This morning, he greeted me the same way when I stepped outside. I had work to do and didn’t stop to sit outside with him like I often do. I wish I had.
Today, he ran under Dave’s truck tires and got hit. Dave rushed him to the vet, and they were going to operate on his leg tomorrow, but while we were talking to the surgeon, the primary care vet called and said Griffey had passed from internal injuries.
I keep thinking about that day Griffey sat beside me on the lawn. Something told me he wouldn’t be with us long. I still have no doubt God brought him to us. We needed each other. He had a beautiful place to run and play chase and have a chance to do what he was born to do – herd a few cows. He also had a chance to be loved by a few more people. I like to think he had an opportunity to heal some things while he was here.
As for me, Griffey opened my heart a little wider. He broke through barriers that have often led me to keep others at a distance, to protect my heart from the sorrow of loss. In a very real way, Griffey taught me how to love a little more fearlessly.
What I wouldn’t give to have set my work aside this morning and sat with Griffey one more time on the porch! This month we lost my sweet little great niece and now we’ve lost another special soul. But neither of them is lost. They have carved out places in my heart. They have left me with a legacy of love, a priceless gift. They both have taught me that life has no guarantees. We never know how much time we have to love. I hope I always remember October 2020 as the month I learned to love with everything I have and never procrastinate a moment to show that love to the people in my life.
RIP Griffey… till we meet again.