Over the last several weeks I’ve been working my way through Dr. John Demartini’s book, The Breakthrough Experience. This is the biggest breakthrough to freedom I have ever had. If everything I’ve been through has been to bring me to this book, it was worth it. I have gained so many insights. Such rich understanding has come to me about life, love and why things happen the way they do.
In this video I share how I was finally able to let my husband go, see him as a gift and release all the hurt, anger and resentment. Interestingly enough, this happened for me 2 months to-the-day-after he told me he wanted out.
I have carried things from previous relationships forward before and I did not want to do that. I wanted to let all of this go, let everything from the past go and I’m able to do that. Not bad for 2 months!
I have decided I will never remarry anyone who has not read this book and worked through it. I believe carrying baggage from the past was the primary reason for the demise of our marriage. We both carried it. Two people can’t build a solid, happy future when they are stuck in the past.