INFJ ENFP Relationship Compatibility
I love this description of how my personality type (Meyers-Briggs INFJ – Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging) knows she’s met her soul mate.
This is how Dave makes me feel. He’s an ENFP (Extroverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving).
“INFJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you feel as seen and understood as you make other people feel.
INFJs, the complex, analytical counselors of the MBTI, are known for their tendency to form quick, yet eerily accurate perceptions of the people around them. Friends and loved ones of the INFJ often report feeling as though the INFJ is able to “peer into their soul.” However, the INFJ rarely feels as though others are capable of peering into theirs.
As an INFJ, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when the tables turn and someone finally understands you with all of the depth and nuance that you see in others. The feeling will be wildly uncomfortable, off-putting and magnificent. You’ll finally open yourself up to being understood entirely and loved for every fiber of the complex tapestry that makes up who you are.”
Find your personality type and see what it says about you and your soul mate — Click here.
Here’s another good article on INFJ – ENFP relationship compatibility.