"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7
These posts are sorted from oldest to newest so you can start at the beginning of my journey and work your way along with me ... down the page.
Meditation / Fundamental Well-being

Quieting the Mind: Fundamental Wellbeing
Recommended reading on how to achieve Fundamental Wellbeing and journaling my quest to quiet my mind and achieve the pure love of Christ I’ve been reading a lot of books lately including “Becoming Genevieve” by Genevieve Davis, “The Enlightened Gardner” by Sydney Banks and “The Finders” by Jeffrey A Martin. Each of these books talk […]

The Key to Love: Fundamental Wellbeing
In my last post about Fundamental Wellbeing I talked about people who have managed to quiet the narrative voice in their heads that spins stories, creates negative and judgmental thoughts about themselves and others, and self-sabotages progress. The reason I’ve begun studying this concept is because I’ve wanted to be in a greater state of […]

Finding a Meditation that Works for Me
A friend sent me this video by Jeffrey A. Martin (Author of “The Finders“) where Dr. Martin takes you through 6-7 different meditation types so you can find the one that works best for you. I found this video incredibly helpful. I went through all the meditations in the video today and selected a couple […]

Experimenting with Longer Meditations
After watching Dr. Jeffrey Martin’s video sharing the various styles of meditations and hearing him say that after 40 minutes of meditation a shift happens, I decided to try a one-hour meditation. There were several people in my house late last night – some watching ball games and others in other parts of the house. […]

Meditating in Nature – Drawing in Hummingbirds
My second try at a one-hour meditation yielded some surprising results — hummingbirds right in front of my face! I did my one hour meditation on the front porch this afternoon. In the heat of the day at 88 degrees Fahrenheit. It began to get really hot by the last half of the meditation, but […]

The Straw Method of Meditation
I woke up around 8 am and laid there meditating. I decided to use the straw meditation where you imagine a straw put in your solar plexus that can drain away anything that needs to be released. I took very deep breaths, held them, and then released them slowly. I could feel the release in […]

Enlightenment Moments
I’m listening to “How Enlightenment Changes the Brain.” Dr. Andrew Newberg talks about the 5 elements of a big Enlightenment experience: Sense of intensity Unity Clarity Surrender Permanent large scale change in awareness, behavior, or belief system I’m realizing that I’ve had a couple of these Enlightenment experiences. The first one was a few weeks […]

Automatic Writing Exercise: Pathway to Enlightenment
In chapter 7 of “How Enlightenment Changes the Brain” by Dr. Andrew Newberg, he gives an automatic writing exercise that is designed to open your mind in preparation for creativity and enlightenment. He takes you through different types of writing. First is a standard sentence. Next you write about your feelings from past experiences where […]
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