Unleash Your Soul’s Song: Childhood Could Be The Key
Our childhood holds the keys to our life purpose and our mission – or what I would call your “Soul’s Song.”

Meditating in Nature – Drawing in Hummingbirds
My second try at a one-hour meditation yielded some surprising results — hummingbirds right in front of my face! I did my one hour meditation on the front porch this afternoon. In the heat of the day at 88 degrees Fahrenheit. It began to get really hot by the last half of the meditation, but […]

Experimenting with Longer Meditations
After watching Dr. Jeffrey Martin’s video sharing the various styles of meditations and hearing him say that after 40 minutes of meditation a shift happens, I decided to try a one-hour meditation. There were several people in my house late last night – some watching ball games and others in other parts of the house. […]

Finding a Meditation that Works for Me
A friend sent me this video by Jeffrey A. Martin (Author of “The Finders“) where Dr. Martin takes you through 6-7 different meditation types so you can find the one that works best for you. I found this video incredibly helpful. I went through all the meditations in the video today and selected a couple […]

The Key to Love: Fundamental Wellbeing
In my last post about Fundamental Wellbeing I talked about people who have managed to quiet the narrative voice in their heads that spins stories, creates negative and judgmental thoughts about themselves and others, and self-sabotages progress. The reason I’ve begun studying this concept is because I’ve wanted to be in a greater state of […]

Quieting the Mind: Fundamental Wellbeing
Recommended reading on how to achieve Fundamental Wellbeing and journaling my quest to quiet my mind and achieve the pure love of Christ I’ve been reading a lot of books lately including “Becoming Genevieve” by Genevieve Davis, “The Enlightened Gardner” by Sydney Banks and “The Finders” by Jeffrey A Martin. Each of these books talk […]

Living Large
Four years ago I was staying in Utah with my friend Martina Muir. Her father had just passed away unexpectedly and of course there were lots of important family meetings and decisions to make. I was hanging out at her house by myself, and decided since I’d be in Utah for a month, I’d scope […]

The Seeds to Love, Hope & Happiness
Who wants more love, hope, happiness, and confidence in their lives? If you do, I’m about to give you the secret. No charge, no catch. The only investment necessary is that you make the choice to follow the advice…. Which may seem counterintuitive at this point in your life. It’s human nature for those who […]

Did I Hear God Right?
Have you ever prayed about something, got a clear direction to take, and when you take it, it leads to pain and disappointment? Have you asked yourself, “Did I hear God right?” If so, don’t doubt yourself, hang on… here’s why.

Angels Are On Your Side
There have been seasons in my life when everything seemed like a mess and that there was no way out of that mess. It’s very easy to get where you never expect anything good to happen ever again. That is how I felt until an angel changed everything for me. I’ve been thinking about how […]

Reinventing My Life: Finding a Sense of Accomplishment
Reinventing yourself in a good way can be as difficult to wrap your mind around as starting over because of difficult circumstances. The subconscious mind can view a drastic life change as a loss, even if the change is for the better. It seems rather ungrateful for me to admit, because I’m living out my […]

Between a Rock and a Hard Place
What do you do when life has you between a rock and a hard place? You dig your roots deep and aim for the sun. Anything is possible for those who believe! My husband and I took a hike to Fall Creek Falls in middle Tennessee Saturday while away for our first wedding anniversary. On […]

Manta Ray Animal Totem for Big Dreamers
Do you have big dreams? Do you feel called to an important life purpose? One of my favorite animal mascots (aka animal totems) for people like you is the energy of the manta ray or the manta ray animal totem. Animal totems represent various characteristics that we can integrate into our lives and energy systems. […]

Creativity Challenge: Making Room for Creativity
I have issued myself a challenge to pursue my creative interests, but before I could begin, I had to start making room for creativity. I’m in a unique position that I haven’t been in for 28 years — I do not need to worry about being a primary breadwinner in my household. I started my […]

Identity Crisis: Are You Suffering from Amnesia?
It seems to me that one of the greatest issues people face is amnesia about who they really are… an identity crisis. Most of us on this planet have no clue that we are children of the Creator of the Universe or the implication of that. Because we don’t know who we are, we think […]

The Spring That Healed My Heartbreak
As I drive on gorgeous spring mornings like this one, enjoying the vibrant light, blue skies, and colorful blossoms bursting from trees and earth, my heart remembers last spring. In fact, for moments at a time I am there at the time of my greatest heartbreak. It was March 11 when my 2nd marriage ended […]

Beach Vacations – 3rd Time’s The Charm
I love beach vacations. They’re my favorite, even though I never really had one until I was an adult. Beaches hold more interest for me than simply a place to get a tan. Frankly, I don’t really tan. I’ve always joked I’m like plastic. I rarely burn, and my version of a tan is achieving […]

The Law of Sacrifice & How to Make Your Dreams Come True
The other day, someone asked me a question about receiving. The person felt that every time they wanted to receive something they would have to pay a comparable price. This person was afraid to ask for anything big because they felt that would mean they’d have to pay a big price. As we chatted, I […]

Why Things Get Hard Before They Get Better
Have you gone through something difficult? Have you ever wondered why things have to be so hard? Why is adversity a natural part of life? I believe there is an eternal divinity deep within each of us that knows what lessons and life experiences we need to have in order to become our highest and […]

Marnie’s Pinterest Pin Code
1 Open the Pinterest app on your iPhone or Android phone 2. Tap your Pinterest camera (up next to the Search bar). 3. Point your phone at the Pincode below to instantly access Pins, boards and other ideas on Pinterest. (No need to take a picture!)