Energy Healing conference

Traveling Light Day 3: Indiana Jane & Wonder Woman

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Today was the second day of the Energy Healing Conference in Layton, UT. I attended two of my good friend’s presentation. Carolyn Cooper is my friend, mentor, client and creator of the SimplyHealed MethodTM of energy work. I was first introduced to Carolyn back in about 2009 or 2010. She’s one of the most down-to-earth, brilliant and powerful women I know.

Carolyn Cooper

Carolyn Cooper speaking at the Energy Healing Conference in Layton, UT

The Indiana Jane of Energy Healing

Carolyn refers to herself as the Indiana Jane of Energy Healing. She teaches the most direct, effective approach to moving energy.

Think of the scene in Indiana Jones where Indie meets the Samurai. The Samurai is getting all fancy with his sword, wielding it this way and that. Indie simply pulls out his pistol and shoots him. He takes the direct route to a solution.

Carolyn’s Simply Healed MethodTM works like that. No, it doesn’t kill people, but it gets to the root of the matter simply, elegantly and quickly.

Wonder Woman

Martina Muir — concluding speaker at the Energy Healing Conference

My friend Martina Muir was the final speaker at the conference. I say Martina is the spiritual version of Wonder Woman. She did an activity with the audience at the end that called us to rise up as warriors of light — rise up and out into the world.

It was so powerful, I had tears in my eyes. I’d set the intention to connect with my divine purpose on this trip and already on day 3, it’s happening. This was one of those moments.

Having My Aura Photographed

aura photograph

My aura photograph, taken by Thornton Streeter.

The third thing that really stood out for me today was getting a photograph made of my aura.

Thornton Streeter was there with his special camera that photographs auras. I had the chance to see a lot of people’s auras, and it was so interesting to see how different each one was. I saw one aura that had a lot of dark spots where healing was needed. One of my friends had a wide open third eye (in her forehead) which had light streaming into it. Mr. Streeter said he’d never seen anything like it.

When I sat down for mine, he said, “Wow! you go, girl! You’re bright beautiful, symmetrical and just banging” (he’s British). I assume “banging” is a good thing and means something different than we typically think of in the US. Ha! Ha!

Notice the forehead, the throat, and then that orange spot on the right hand side by my mouth… that’s the tooth showing up there.

He could tell I’m in communications with a strong voice (throat area shows this). He said I have all the colors. The only thing it picked up amiss was a tooth I need filled on my lower left jaw (which I’m already aware of). It was cool to see science confirm that I really have been healing my heart and God has been blessing me.

This was probably the most impactful thing to me at the conference because it was so validating. To have an external scientific view of what’s happening on the inside gave me this feeling like, “You’re good to go… you’re free, step up and do what you’re here to do.”

Quickening Moments

After the conference, I went to dinner at Roosters with the ladies in the friendship circle (Rochelle, Ashley and some other ladies from the Quickening Membership). This is a group I belong to that Jennifer Lamprey started. It’s all about women following their hearts, finding their voices and stepping out with authenticity as their true selves.

It’s a safe, stable environment for women to truly express themselves and their emotions. It’s been a huge part of my healing process. I’m now on the leadership team and working on The Quickening Movement. I’ll be a facilitator at the Quickening live event coming up in Carlsbad, California October 4-7. Check it out here. You won’t regret it!

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Posted in A New Life, Traveling Lite.

Marnie Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. Get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.