Automatic Writing Exercise: Pathway to Enlightenment
In chapter 7 of “How Enlightenment Changes the Brain” by Dr. Andrew Newberg, he gives an automatic writing exercise that is designed to open your mind in preparation for creativity and enlightenment. He takes you through different types of writing. First is a standard sentence. Next you write about your feelings from past experiences where […]

The Key to Love: Fundamental Wellbeing
In my last post about Fundamental Wellbeing I talked about people who have managed to quiet the narrative voice in their heads that spins stories, creates negative and judgmental thoughts about themselves and others, and self-sabotages progress. The reason I’ve begun studying this concept is because I’ve wanted to be in a greater state of […]

Quieting the Mind: Fundamental Wellbeing
Recommended reading on how to achieve Fundamental Wellbeing and journaling my quest to quiet my mind and achieve the pure love of Christ I’ve been reading a lot of books lately including “Becoming Genevieve” by Genevieve Davis, “The Enlightened Gardner” by Sydney Banks and “The Finders” by Jeffrey A Martin. Each of these books talk […]

Living Large
Four years ago I was staying in Utah with my friend Martina Muir. Her father had just passed away unexpectedly and of course there were lots of important family meetings and decisions to make. I was hanging out at her house by myself, and decided since I’d be in Utah for a month, I’d scope […]

Leaning On God’s Promises When Everything’s Falling Apart
Do you feel like God has promised you something, but everything is falling apart? I’d like to share with you my own personal story of going through a simultaneous unexpected divorce and the death of my mother. There are so many lessons packed in here about God’s promises and the journeys we take toward their […]

The Rippling Impact of Childhood Perceptions
As we grow up we became so convinced that our parents did things the wrong way that we decide we’ll be different. We’ll do the opposite. If our parents were strict, we’ll be lenient. If our mother nagged our father, we might commit never to nag. Ironically, as we attempt to be the opposite, we […]

Blame. Is It Necessary?
I’ve been mulling on the concept of blame for the last week. When an accident happens or something goes wrong that we didn’t intend, why do we feel such a compulsion to blame ourselves or others? Someone dies, for example, and we analyze every move we made and what we could have done differently. If […]

Jesus Walked My Life
I don’t know how He did it, but somehow in Gethsemane or on the cross, Jesus stepped out of time and lived a lifetime in my shoes. He experienced my upbringing and understands why I formed the beliefs and values I have. He understands why some beliefs I formed weren’t true while others were. He […]

Grandmothering A Legacy
Our son, his wife and little girl will be moving back to Georgia soon and coming to stay with us while they look for a house. I’m excited to spend time with my granddaugter and get to know her better. During her visits here she has loved the outdoors: walking in the field, picking daisy […]

A Texas Blue Heeler’s Love
What a lost Texas Blue Heeler taught me about opening my heart and loving more fearlessly.

The Greatest Message of All
On October 3, 2020, my little great-niece Jane (age 3) passed away unexpectedly from leukemia. She had been diagnosed 3 weeks early and had spent those 3 weeks in the hospital with limited visitors due to COVID-19. The day after she came home and was able to spend an evening with her siblings and parents, […]

Did I Hear God Right?
Have you ever prayed about something, got a clear direction to take, and when you take it, it leads to pain and disappointment? Have you asked yourself, “Did I hear God right?” If so, don’t doubt yourself, hang on… here’s why.

Missionary Mom
My experience preparing my son to serve a two-year-mission to Guatemala Antigua for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Dream: We Are All One
I woke up early this morning to run an errand with my son, but my husband offered to take him instead. Since I’ve been feeling under the weather, I agreed to let him. As I rolled back over, I had a prayer in my mind asking God to show me what He wants for my […]

Music Therapy: Connecting with the Mother of My Childhood
A wise friend recommended that I create a musical portrayal of my life story – my life opus. I started it a couple weeks ago and I’m sure I’ll be blogging more of my experiences with this type of music therapy. This entry has to do with something I processed about my mother. “Look at […]

The Birthday Feast: An Abundance Parable
Sunday we had a birthday party for my youngest son. I spent all day Saturday shopping and cooking until nearly midnight. After church on Sunday, I came home and started working on the food again until the party started at 4. Dave and I were still chopping fruits and vegetables when the first guest arrived […]

Forgiving Loved Ones Who’ve Hurt You
It can be difficult forgiving loved ones who have hurt you – especially when their choices are causing repetitive pain in your life. What do you do when you keep bumping up against the negative ramifications of someone’s actions? I have been pondering on how to forgive those whose choices are negatively impacting my life. […]

When Someone You Love Writes You Off
Earlier this year someone very close and dear to me decided to cut ties with me without articulating what I had done. Have you ever had someone you love who writes you off? It can be particularly difficult when this person doesn’t give you a clear reason. For me, this person simply summed up their […]

Strained Relationships: Watch Your Words
When you have disagreements or strained relationships, it’s important to watch your words and be careful what you say about others… to friends and especially on social media. You can’t take back the seeds you sow. I know I have done this; and I wish I could take back the seeds that have been carried […]

Relationship Communication: Are You Willing to Have the Hard Conversations?
How is your relationship communication? I’ve discovered that communication can make or break a relationship. When Dave and I first met, I was fresh out of a divorce, and he had been single for years. I was in no mood to rush into another relationship. He had dated enough to be very cautious – especially […]