uniqueness and belonging

Uniqueness and Belonging

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Probably each of us has experienced the longing to belong and yet also to be unique. We want to fit in, yet we want to stand out. In nearly every religious philosophy there is a concept of “oneness.” Jesus taught if you aren’t one, you’re not His. Whether we like it or not, we belong to the family of humanity. We belong to each other and to the entire universe. The intelligent matter that comprises rocks, trees, the earth, vegetation, and animals also comprises our bodies.

In a very real sense, Source energy, aka God or the Light of Christ, connects everything and every one. We belong. We fit. And yet, we often feel the need to be special, to be unique, to be extraordinary, to matter.

These two opposing drives – to belong and yet be different often war within us. People go to extreme lengths to prove they are different while others would do anything just to belong. Marking our bodies, labeling ourselves and others, gathering into minorities, even altering the structure of our bodies, are all symptoms of unmet needs to belong yet be unique.

This internal war often leads to external wars and social strife. Until we open our eyes to see the divine truth — that all around us are unique things – this war will never end.

Every snowflake, every mountain, every leaf, every blade of grass is unique in some way. Even identical twins are not identical. Their personalities, fingerprints and interests are different. The very thing that makes us belong is our uniqueness. God is a Creator of unique things.  Who you are is good enough… more than good enough. Your uniqueness belongs. It proves you are part of a universe filled with unique things.

Because you are unique, anything you create will be unique. Everything you do, say, create, think, experience will be unique to you, and yet there will also be things that are similar to what others create, say, think, and experience. Our commonality binds us, but also does our uniqueness. I believe we are happiest when we rejoice in both our commonality and our uniqueness.

When we stop seeing each other as competition and celebrate each other’s distinctions and similarities, we can then collaborate in peaceful, synergistic ways. When we accept the world and people as they are, we then have the power to collaboratively enhance the world, bringing more peace, order, creativity and advancement for all.

This concept is the inspiration for my meditative melody, Your Uniqueness Belongs from my album, Confidence Rising Meditative Melodies.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Posted in Creativity, Music.

Marnie Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. Get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.